Chaotic Way to End My College Life

So, recently I kept using the word "hwalo" in greeting people and I love it cause it sounds funny!
This post will be fully english because I feel challenged to post after finishing my undergraduate thesis in english :P *sombong*

WUHUW! I FINISHED COLLEGE. What a damn achievement.
You know, I went through hell to get this freakin' bachelor degree,


*drum roll* 

Helga Myrachel, S.T.

Well, a week before my thesis defence I got two e-mails from two different companies that invited me to an interview process. I felt honnored and somehow overwhelmed. Actually, it was the day after I did my thesis seminar, it meant that i had to revise my thesis book and added some things to it in a night! I still remembered that after I went home from work, I headed straight away to Sansco and too bad the aircon was dead. Then, I walked to Upnormal and stayed up until 4 a.m. with Mai. But, actually it was just the beginning of a very long day. At 5 a.m., I ran to dycos to print out copies of my thesis for the defence examiners, thanks again to Mai who accompanied me climbed up itb's back gate at dawn. :"D

I am amazed to realize the fact that I still had time to watch 1 episode of Class of Lies (K-Drama) at Faskom from 7-8 a.m. while I was waiting for TU FTMD to open. Then I submitted copy of my thesis to TU, got the invitation for the examiners, met the examiners to also give my thesis' copies, met my advisor to be briefed about the defence and so on. After done everything, I went to my kosan and took a bath. At 10.30 a.m. I took my train-ride to Jakarta and headed to the first company's interview in Tebet area. I asked for permission to my part time boss and said I will be back on Saturday.

To make it short, I didn't give my best to the first company because I felt that I didn't belong there, the interview questions were not about the job, they didn't even give me the chance to conquer the interview with my skill, anyway the interviewers were !@#$%^&*(?), the office is not comfortable, and they demand their employee to work on Saturday??? So, I didn't regret my decision to screw the interview up and if I could, I would withdraw my application. Went home with nothing, but hungry. But, I was thankful for the chance that they gave.

The next day, I came for the second company's interview in Central of Jakarta. I was tested for math, basic statistics, sql, and advance excel for 3 hours. It was hard, but I liked it! I feel like I was looked for my competencies. The HR said that if the result of my test was good enough, then I would be asked for culture fit. Well, I made it. The culture fit's questions are various and interesting. Two of them are, "how many gas station in Jakarta? Break down your thought" and "if you were a brand, what is it and why?" The culture fit was in english and I was... scared because the interviewers were so good in english (they studied abroad). After I finished my interview I was told that I would be contacted in a week, whether I passed or not. Ended my short "trip" to Jakarta with rushing myself to Kampung Rambutan to chase the last bus to Bandung, because I had to work the next day and the other next day. And HAD MY THESIS DEFENCE IN 4 DAYS!

Week passed and I got my degree! My thesis defence was soooooo freak wkkwkwk, but it will be a nice part 2 of this story. I didn't get any call or news from them, then I ensured myself to find another chances. So, I went hiking to Prau! And it will be another story wkwk. Anyway, I forgot to mention that I was emailed by hr from another company for interview when I was on my way to the second interview (I was at Cilebut and stepped my feet to KRL, wtf). But guess what?? The interview day was my thesis defence day :))) and they conducted it in jogja. WHAT THE... HUFT. I asked my mom for opinion, and what she said was, "I'll hit you if you reschedule your thesis defence." So, I apologized to the hr and told my disappointment 😔.

Buuutttt, I got my very first job from my second interview! Right 2 weeks after I got my bachelor degree, before my graduation day! It was indeed my dream to get a job before my graduation day. I really am thankful for what I have on this day. It's not the greatest job you've ever imagined, but it is the perfect first job for me and I will do my best. Wish you luck and have a nice life.


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